Success For Moms


Sometimes, success to a mom is just getting through the day. Ok, this might seem a little extreme, but we have all had those days. Lack of sleep, then finding vomit in your hair and of course your cold peanut butter toast ends up being eaten by the dog.

Being a mom is tough! I honestly think a stay-at-home mom is the hardest job on the planet. Those of us that get to go to work, actually get a break. We get to shower and have a cappuccino at the coffee shop on the way to work. We get to talk to adults and generally, no one screams in our face. It takes a special person to be a stay-at-home mom and I say that with complete respect, after maternity leave.

All these experts tell us that we must work on our work-life balance. Well, I honestly don’t think that exists. It’s outdated and the concept just doesn’t even make sense. 90% of us have to go back to work after having a baby, most for financial reasons, but some of us want to, and that it ok. On the other end there are a group of moms that would love to stay home but just can’t. We are all just doing our best.  It really depends on our own personal situations, our expenses and how we can make it work.

So, what if work-life balance does not exist? Then what? Well, that is where I come in. I help moms and Momprenuers build lifestyles that they love. How? because I am a mom myself, I know that we cannot do it all and actually the thought of trying to do it all, is just overwhelming. Instead, I help moms figure out what is most important to them. By figuring what is important to them I can help make sure that gets prioritized. Sounds simple right? In theory, it is but the truth is, we just get lost in the day-to-day rush and forget to do the planning.

Taking the time out to actually evaluate what is working in your day, takes time. Sometimes we underestimate how important that time is. My clients often feel so light after meeting me. Having a clear plan takes all the stress out of trying to remember everything. The support of having someone there for you and helping you plan and pushing you to think out the box can really make the world of difference.

The same applied to my own business. I knew what I wanted to do, I even knew (mostly) how to get there, but until I had someone fully supporting me and helping me to devise a plan, I just found myself going round and round in circles but not actually getting anywhere.

Accountability is the other kicker. It’s that thing that kicks procrastination to the curb. If you have a test coming up in 2 weeks, is it a priority that you study? Quite often no. There always seems to be something more important to do yet, as soon as that test pops up on your calendar for tomorrow. Bang! There you are with your head deep in those books. Having a coach works the same way. We know that things need to change, that life could be better and more organized, yet we don’t make the time to focus and make the change unless we have someone there to ask us when we are going to do it. Paying money also makes it important. It creates value in the time spent.

If you are looking for support and accountability to have more time and energy in your life as a mom, then sign up for my Burnout Recovery Guide here.


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