Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. explains “The word “trauma” literally means wound, shock, or injury. Psychological trauma is a person’s experience of emotional distress resulting from an event that overwhelms the capacity to emotionally digest it. The thing is, that we are all so different, we have different families, beliefs, values, and memories. So how each person defines what
The three biggest hormonal shifts a woman can experience. There are so many books about puberty and pregnancy. There are talks about these topics as well as endless information and support, however menopause and the time leading up to it are just not talked about. Amy Shah on the Mel Robbins podcast explains that we
PUBERTY, pregnancy and menopause Read More »
How to be happier As a burnout recovery coach, I have often wondered what the opposite of burnout is? Is it contentment? Success? Happiness? Peace? All of the above? Gretchen Rubin explains in her podcast Happier how a very normal moment in which she realised she was at a greater risk for losing her sight,
It has been seven months since we arrived in California. In that time so much has changed. Read more about our move here We said goodbye to my grandma (my last grandparent). My sister launched her book and then ended up in hospital. My dad had surgery. I celebrated my 40th birthday. My mom celebrated
I can’t even count the number of times someone has mentioned their own body in a negative way in front of me the last 6 months. And heck, I don’t blame them. Diet culture is all around us every day. Quite often even disguised as ‘health.’ Christy Harrison’s book The Wellness Myth has taught me
Oh man! Life is too short for this …. Read More »
I have decided to mark this day with positives about getting older. Let’s start changing the conversation about aging. Yes, aging is inevitable. All of us are going to get older. And even while that is a fact, society still focuses on youth and how to cling onto it. The truth is there are so
Thoughts on turning 40. Read More »
It is even more familiar to those of us with neurodivergent / special needs families and families with sensory challenges. The world is designed for neurotypical fully abled children, so the constant ‘fight ‘for our children can be exhausting. We are all very different humans and understanding ourselves is the first step in order to
Mom burnout is real! Read More »